Friday, 23 May 2008

RSP DSpace training events

Chris Yates, an RSP staff member based at Aber, is organising some DSpace training days in Birmingham. The first of these is aimed at repository managers and will take place on June 2nd. There are still some places left, so if you'd like to get some practical and hands on experience with DSpace in a tailored and targeted workshop, please do register as soon as you can!

2. Introduction to DSpace
- What it is.
- Basic architectural overview.
3. Configuration & Customisation (By the repository administrator)
- Communities & Collections
- Workflows & Metadata Implementation
- Licenses
- User Management
4. Running DSpace as an Administrator
- Submitting Items
- Harvesting
- Persistent Identifiers (The handle)
5. Other Configuration & Customisation that you may require (By the technical staff)
- Multilingualism
- RSS Feeds/Emails/Notifications/Subscriptions.
- Submission Interfaces
- Populating other resources using the repository.
- Alternative deposit mechanisms (SWORD etc).
6. Statistics
- DSpace Stats
- Google Analytics

Chris and the team at Aber are very experienced with DSpace and great at explaining technical issues to a non-technical audience, as well as techies. Previous DSpace sessions have been a resounding success and this one should be no different.

Register for DSpace Repository Administrators Training Day

(I hear the venue is pretty good too)

DCC Call for Papers/Posters/Demos

The next annual DCC conference will be held in Edinburgh in December. The call for papers, posters and demos was issued recently on the DCC website. This is a great opportunity to showcase your work and I'd encourage any project whose activities fall within the broad themes of the project to submit a contribution. The submission deadline (full papers) is July 25th.

The conference will be a great opportunity to learn more about what's happening in terms of state-of-the-art in repository curation and sustainability, amongst other things, so I hope we'll see some of you there regardless of whether you're a speaker/exhibitor or not!