Friday, 23 May 2008
RSP DSpace training events
2. Introduction to DSpace
- What it is.
- Basic architectural overview.
3. Configuration & Customisation (By the repository administrator)
- Communities & Collections
- Workflows & Metadata Implementation
- Licenses
- User Management
4. Running DSpace as an Administrator
- Submitting Items
- Harvesting
- Persistent Identifiers (The handle)
5. Other Configuration & Customisation that you may require (By the technical staff)
- Multilingualism
- RSS Feeds/Emails/Notifications/Subscriptions.
- Submission Interfaces
- Populating other resources using the repository.
- Alternative deposit mechanisms (SWORD etc).
6. Statistics
- DSpace Stats
- Google Analytics
Chris and the team at Aber are very experienced with DSpace and great at explaining technical issues to a non-technical audience, as well as techies. Previous DSpace sessions have been a resounding success and this one should be no different.
Register for DSpace Repository Administrators Training Day
(I hear the venue is pretty good too)
DCC Call for Papers/Posters/Demos
The conference will be a great opportunity to learn more about what's happening in terms of state-of-the-art in repository curation and sustainability, amongst other things, so I hope we'll see some of you there regardless of whether you're a speaker/exhibitor or not!
Friday, 16 May 2008
New external events
1. The CRIG/DRY workshop. CRIG (Common Repositories Interfaces Group) are running a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) Workshop and Barcamp in Bath on June 6th. This event will focus on remote services which repository adminstrators can exploit to improve the quality of the metadata held in their systems,bringing local experts (the people running institutional systems) who understand their users' needs, together with the domain experts (the people who can offer services based on expertise). It offers be a day of learning, sharing, demonstrating, and perhaps even some coding. See the DigiRep wiki for more information.
2. The brand new Fringe festival, Edinburgh Repository Fringe, will take place over the summer. The website has the following information:
"The Repository Fringe is being run on the Edinburgh Festival Fringe model - anyone is allowed to come along and put on a show! In our case "a show" is likely to be a discussion about an emerging issue, or a group attempt to come to some concensus about solving a problem, or a co-ordinated demonstration of some new ideas.
The event will be held in the Playfair Library in Edinburgh. The building consists of a main hall (pictured left) with lots of breakout spaces to facilitate lots of concurrent discussions and working groups. In preparation for the fringe, delegates will post their proposals for discussions and activities to the Wiki, discuss them through the Mailing List and network through the Crowdvine site"
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Training materials on the RSP website
Events have focussed on or featured sessions exploring, for example, shared services for repositories, metadata, preservation & curation, and legal issues such as copyright and IPR. More events are in planning and will be flagged up here when details become available.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Determining costs of archiving data in IRs
The report, 'Keeping Research Data Safe', provides an essential methodological foundation on research data costs and will assist HEIs and funding bodies wishing to establish strategies and TRAC costings for longterm data management and archiving. The study provides a framework and guidance for determining costs consisting of:
- A list of key cost variables and potential units of record;
- An activity model divided into pre-archive, archive, and support services;
- A resources template including major cost categories in TRAC, divided into the major phases from the activity model and by duration of activity.
RSP 2008 Summer School
The RSP Summer School is an intensive three day residential course which aims to deliver a comprehensive programme to address the practical challenges and solutions to effective repository development. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in wide-ranging discussions about repositories and gain hands-on experience with a range of interactive seminars, practical workshops, lectures and panel sessions delivered by a range of expert practitioners.
This year's programme highlights include:
- Metadata & Interoperability
- Preservation
- Advocacy
- Legal issues
- Repository statistics
The SUETr training programme
These training opportunities will be developed and available primarily to staff currently working on SUE projects. A number of other initiatives provide training that is accessible to a wider audience, including the Repositories Support Project, a major JISC initiative to support the development and growth of the UK repositories network.
SUETr - a brief introduction
This blog will be used to disseminate information about SUETR training opportunities and related project information, to SUE projects and anyone else who wants to read about them. We will also post information about new reports or developments in repositories that may impact on a given aspects of a repository's sustainability or success.
At some point, hopefully soon, I will figure out how to add an RSS feed...